After three years of being 100% natural (except for color), I have begun to texlax my hair again. It wasn"t a difficult decision. It is simply easier for me to detangle my fine, super frizzy African American textured hair when it is somewhat relaxed. I don't like to categorize, but if I must I'd say that my natural texture is 3C.. The result doesn't lie. My hair has retained length much more easily than when I was natural. Of course, this will not be the case for everyone.. I have had amazing results with Phyto Phytorelaxer, Index 2*. I also taught myself how to self relax. That way, I can control the amount of time and the method of application. For someone with thicker hair this might be more challenging.
Whether or not to relax our hair is a very personal decision. I don't believe that it reflects at all on whether or not we love and accept ourselves as we are. I believe that black women must be supportive of each other and respect each other's choices when it comes to hair care. We have too much at stake these days to quibble over hair!
*I have no relationship with Phyto. It's just a product I love.